

Initial Sign-in Information *required
Do you currently have a Web page 你現在有一個網頁嗎? Yes  No
Do you want to use our services to make money 你要用我們的服務賺錢 Yes  No

Select all applicable options. All supported services are free of charge with unlimited revenue generation potential.




domain registration  
Authentication Information *required
Login Name (登入帳號,不能有空白) Password Confirm Password
john.spedia.net - name of the free virtual domain that you want to register. The selected name must be at least 4 symbols long. The Login/Domain Name will be used to identify yourself upon login. Only standard alphanumeric characters are accepted.

這是告訴你, 它會幫你建一個以你登入帳號為名的虛擬Web ,所以登入帳號必須使用標準英文字母或數字 .

Member Information *required
Full Name (for check payment) 支票上面要印的英文名字, E-mail
Address:Street 英文巷道地址 Address:City 城市名稱 , 例 Taipei
Address:State  非美國籍者,選Non-US/Other Address:Zip/Postal Code 郵遞區號 , 例100
Address:Country 國家名稱,例Taiwan Phone : Fax 電話/傳真
Additional Information *required
Why are you using the Internet 你為何使用Internet ? (隨便選幾項)
Business:Finance News Chat
Coupons:Deals Email
Entertainment News Gaming
Health:Lifestyle Job Search:Recruiting
Local and National News Maps:Directions
Research School:College
Shopping Sporting Events
Sports News Stock Quotes
Technology News Travel
Weather Other

What products do you buy online 你會在線上購買哪些產品? (隨便選)
Airline Tickets 機票 Audio Equipment 音響設備
Books 書籍 Cars:Trucks 汽車
Clothing 衣物 Computer Hardware 電腦硬體
Computer Software 電腦軟體 Concert Tickets 音樂會入場卷
Hotel Accomodations 旅館住宿 Insurance 保險
Loan:Credit Cards 貸款/信用卡 Music:Video:DVD 音樂/DVD
Office Equipment 辦公室設備 Stocks:Bonds 股票
Toys:Games 玩具或遊戲 Vacation:Travel 旅遊
Pets 寵物 Other 其他

Subscribe for commercial (opt-in) email
Get 5 to 10 ad points (~ $.04-$.10) every time you receive a commercial email from our sponsors. You are NOT required to respond to the email. Your privacy will be protected and your email address will be kept confidential.
問你要不要收廣告信,每封信可以得到5-10points的獎勵, 他寫的金額不對, 實際大概是0.004~0.01元才對. 當然還是收啦, 因為感覺很少寄.
What is your age 你幾歲 What is your gender 你的性別
What is your education 你的教育程度 What is your annual household income 你家庭年收入有多少
We do not consider our Web site to be directed at children under the age of fourteen. To register with Spedia you must be fourteen (14) or older. 你必須年滿14歲才可以申請
The sections above are mandatory. All required fields must be filled before the registration is complete.
Optional Information *optional
Reference number of your sponsor:   是誰介紹你的 , 如蒙不棄, 請輸入代號.謝謝!

By submitting this form you agree to the terms of our Service Policy.
Please press the Submit Button only once.

送出註冊資料 Cancel Registration

完成註冊後, 會出現一頁類似以下的資料, 並且要求你要紀錄下來. 如果沒記下來也沒關係, 因為你會收到他寄來的一封歡迎信, 信裡面就會包含以下的資料, 並且告訴你從哪裡下載他的瀏覽廣告程式 spedia .所以那封信記得要收好就可以了.

Dear 你的登入帳號:

Your login name is:
Your password is:你的登入密碼
Your reference number is: 你的參考號碼(介紹下線所使用的號碼)
Your new virtual domain name is: http://你的登入帳號.spedia.net

虛擬Web有何作用呢, 當我們完成註冊資料後, 你可以登入去查看一下 user info. 他的主要作用是會跳出一個視窗, 讓其他人在看你的虛擬網站時,可以去按連結. 幫你自己介紹下線.
WEB Site/URL Information *required
WEB Site Address /URL of your current home/business page
  [leave blank if you don't have a web site]
 如果你沒有網站的時候, 它會自動配給你一個廣告商的網站,
Web Site Category. What is the subject or theme of your web site

The sections above are mandatory

Make Cash on the Net按左圖或按此處進行註冊 .


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